Photographs by Greg Sims
As it Appears (2008)
Site responsive installation | A small alley north of 22 McKillop Street (between Bourke and Little Collins streets) | Melbourne - Beth Arnold & Sary Zananiri
The city is a place that is alive and constantly changing. Each building has its own lifespan. As it grows it deteriorates, fades and warps. In a small alley off McKillop Street you may notice that something isn’t quite right. There is a slow warping or anomaly that is not initially noticeable – the building appears to be breathing…
Is it that time has caught up with this old building that pants to keep pace with the city or perhaps that new possibilities have opened up to it, gestating, pregnant with possibility?
An ambiguous respiratory process is at play, pushing out from the surface of the wall while embedded in the social fabric of the city. The organic nature of the bulge reflects processes of building and change within the city while at the same time humanising our experience of that process.
The artists would like to acknowledge the support provided by Perrin Sculpture Foundry, LIVE IN, DCG Design, Robot Building Supplies, P.S.I Supplies and Emil Toonen.
18 July – 23 November 2008
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